The Ultimate Sustainable Event Management and Planning Checklist

Planning and managing a sustainable event involves careful consideration of environmental, social, and economic factors. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you organize a sustainable event successfully:

Pre-Event Planning:

  1. Set Sustainability Goals:
    • Define your event’s sustainability objectives, such as reducing waste, minimizing carbon footprint, or promoting social responsibility.
  2. Select a Sustainable Venue:
    • Choose a venue that prioritizes sustainability, such as LEED-certified buildings, green spaces, or eco-friendly conference centers.
  3. Transportation and Accessibility:
    • Opt for a location with good public transportation access and bike racks.
    • Encourage carpooling and provide shuttle services, if necessary.
  4. Paperless Registration:
    • Use online registration and ticketing systems to minimize paper use.
  5. Sustainable Event Website:
    • Create an event website that provides information and updates online, reducing the need for printed materials.
  6. Sustainable Partnerships:
    • Collaborate with suppliers, sponsors, and vendors that share your sustainability values.
  7. Sustainable Catering:
    • Work with caterers who source locally, use organic ingredients, and minimize food waste.
    • Offer vegetarian and vegan menu options.
  8. Waste Reduction:
    • Implement a waste reduction plan, including recycling and composting stations.
    • Use reusable or compostable dinnerware and utensils.
  9. Energy Efficiency:
    • Ensure lighting and HVAC systems are energy-efficient.
    • Use renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, if possible.
  10. Water Conservation:
    • Install water-saving fixtures and encourage attendees to use water responsibly.

During the Event:

  1. Eco-friendly Signage:
    • Use digital signage, LED displays, or reusable banners to minimize waste.
  2. Green Transportation:
    • Promote walking, biking, and the use of public transport.
    • Offer electric vehicle charging stations.
  3. Sustainable Swag:
    • Provide eco-friendly promotional items or consider not giving away swag at all.
  4. Reduce Paper Waste:
    • Use electronic badges and mobile event apps.
    • Print materials on recycled paper with soy-based inks if necessary.
  5. Waste Management:
    • Set up clearly labeled waste bins for recycling, composting, and landfill.
    • Consider a “leave no trace” policy.
  6. Sustainable Audiovisual Equipment:
    • Use energy-efficient AV equipment and LED screens.
    • Turn off equipment when not in use.


  1. Attendee Feedback:
    • Collect feedback on sustainability efforts from attendees to improve future events.
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment:
    • Calculate and report the event’s carbon footprint and other environmental impacts.
  3. Donations and Leftovers:
    • Donate leftover food to local charities.
    • Repurpose or recycle event materials.
  4. Sustainability Report:
    • Create a sustainability report outlining achievements and areas for improvement.
  5. Continuous Improvement:
    • Use lessons learned to refine your sustainable event strategy for future events.

By following this comprehensive checklist, you can plan and manage a sustainable event that minimizes its environmental footprint, promotes social responsibility, and aligns with your sustainability goals.